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University of washington sat essay

University of washington sat essay

university of washington sat essay

10/23/ · The SAT was redesigned in to include the optional SAT essay. The test evaluates the candidate’s comprehensive, writing, and time management attributes. An argumentative passage is laid out for the applicant to study, analyze, and summarize Historically, the SAT/ACT were a small consideration in the holistic review compared to curriculum quality and performance in courses. Moving forward, curriculum quality and performance in courses will remain the focus of our review of students’ academic preparation. The UW’s holistic review considers far more than academic performance For University of Washington-Seattle Campus, it is suggested that an applicant submits the following documents: Essay: Sometimes known as the personal statement, the essay submitted by an applicant offers them a unique way to showcase their achievements and personality. It is advised that applicants include personal experiences and anecdotes

This Year's University of Washington SAT Scores and GPA

College Essays. The University of Washington is often ranked among public Ivy Leagues —that is, public schools with the academic clout and selectivity to elevate their reputations. So if you want to be a Husky, it's not just about good grades and test scores.

You'll also need to prove yourself with a good University of Washington essay, combining your technical skill with your knowledge of the school and your reasons for wanting to attend to attract attention from admissions officers. But to do that, you need to know how to write great UW essays. The University of Washington uses the Coalition Application, which can be submitted to multiple schools and includes an essay section with several different prompts.

The supplemental UW essay prompts are pretty standard, but we have all the helpful tips you need to make sure your application is set to impress.

There are two required essays you need to write for the University of Washington, along with an optional third essay. These essays are:. Part of the Coalition app includes answering an essay prompt in words or less. While there are five Coalition app essay prompts, the University of Washington doesn't allow you to choose which prompt to answer; all applicants must answer the same prompt. This essay along with the other essays will be submitted in the UW section of the application, not the Coalition Essay section.

The University of Washington application also includes a required short response question of words and an optional short essay of words. Additional space is available, university of washington sat essay, but it's recommended that you don't take it unless you absolutely need it.

Show restraint when responding to UW essay prompts; it shows that you can be concise and follow directionsand you won't run the risk of volunteering too much information or making yourself memorable for the wrong reasons. That said, we'll cover some exceptions below! Set aside plenty of time to write and rewrite your essay.

Although there are five Coalition essay promptsuniversity of washington sat essay University of Washington requires you to answer a specific prompt; you don't get to choose. The maximum length of this essay is words, university of washington sat essay, but the University of Washington recommends the essay be closer to words. Also note this guideline from the University of Washington's admission website : "Please note: applicants will submit their essay and short responses in the UW section of the Coalition application not in the new "Coalition Essay" section of the Profile, screenshot below for reference only.

Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or university of washington sat essay to shape it. This essay prompt is pretty broad; it allows you to university of washington sat essay on any significant experience in your life. To answer it effectively, you'll want to relate a specific anecdote or event that had a strong impact on you as a person and how you define yourself today.

When answering this prompt, you'll want to choose a particularly significant experience. It doesn't need to be super rare, university of washington sat essay, but the experience should hold deep meaning for you. Ask yourself: what defines you? What do you find important? Can you connect a key part of your personality or a goal you have to a specific event in your life?

You should also focus on only one experience. Don't try to cram in as many stories as possible—concentrate on the one incident that's most important to you, and use this essay as a chance to really delve into the specifics of it. How did the experience make you feel at the time? Why did it have such an impact on you?

If you decide to write about a negative experience, try to put a positive spin on it. You don't need to stick with a happy-go-lucky story—maybe you lost a friend because of a heated argument, or forgot to pick up your little brother from school one day. Regardless of the incident, keep the focus on how this situation ultimately taught you something important about life, such as the value of responsibility or the meaning of maturity.

If you're struggling to come up with an experience to write about, try these brainstorming ideas:. When writing this essay, make sure to avoid pretending something is more important or unique than it actually is.

Don't tell a story the admissions committee has likely heard hundreds of times. University of washington sat essay an event that speaks to your life and has had a large impact on how you see yourself. Basically, don't write about what you think the admissions committee wants to read. For example, instead of discussing how you've been in Honor Society since 9th grade, it'll be a lot more interesting if you wrote about somebody you met through Honor Society or why you decided to drop out of it.

Also, don't focus too much on the negative part of the story, university of washington sat essay. While it's OK to write about a time when you made a mistake, did something wrong, or faced a challenge, try to avoid writing only about the bad parts. Your story should overall be optimistic and reveal something positive about yourself. Once you've finished the Coalition Application essay, the University of Washington has an additional requirement for you—a short response question with a word limit.

The University of Washington suggests that concise writing is particularly valuable, and recommends that the Coalition essay be between and words rather than Though they don't offer word count recommendations for the other prompts, it's best to assume they're looking for short answers. Cutting out words might feel excessive, but do try to leave some breathing room within your essay rather than squeaking in right under the allotted words.

Additionally, the University of Washington states that students tend to answer this essay more informally than the longer essay. However, they expect formal, polished essays for both prompts, so don't slack off on proofreading or editing this essay.

Our families and communities often define us and our individual worlds. Community might refer to your cultural group, extended family, religious group, neighborhood or school, university of washington sat essay team or club, co-workers, etc. Describe the world you come from and how you, as a product of it, might add to the diversity of the UW.

UW offers a helpful tip right below the prompt: "Keep in mind that the UW strives to create a community of students richly diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, values and viewpoints. When answering this question, consider specifically what you might add to the community. What perspective do you bring? What traits make you a good fit? But the prompt doesn't at all mean that you have no chance if you don't belong to one of those communities.

Students who fit into those groups may have an easier time of identifying what diversity they bring to the school, but belonging to a marginalized group doesn't in any way guarantee admission. The University of Washington is looking for students who foster and embrace diversity, so be sure to think on those terms.

Consider, for example, how your rambunctious family Thanksgiving university of washington sat essay you to embrace chaos, university of washington sat essay, and how your ability to stop Great Aunt Kathy from throwing mashed potatoes at your cousin for bringing up a sensitive political issue translates to a college campus.

Think about how having several different friend groups in high school—nerds and jocks, for example—taught you to move between spaces while always being your authentic self. For students who are of marginalized backgrounds, the same advice still applies.

You likely have different lived experiences than other students, but UW wants to know exactly what you're going to bring to the student community, university of washington sat essay. You can discuss advocacy work, for example, or how your less advantageous upbringing taught you to work hard for everything you want. Always come back to that request to "Describe the world you come from and how you, as a product of it, might add to the diversity of the UW.

Embracing diversity isn't just about being a member of a marginalized community; think about how you participate in your social groups and how your experiences before college will help you have and, more importantly, create a good experience for others. Again, it's not about what identity you do or do not have, but rather about how you build communities and support others.

UW is a big school, but you'll still be interacting with people from all walks of life on a daily basis—how will you navigate difference and fit into a student body made up of so many different people? Let UW know exactly how they're going to help you university of washington sat essay a slam dunk. The University of Washington essay prompt offers an additional words for you to talk about yourself and your unique circumstances.

This section is optional, and UW advises that the following types of students may benefit from taking the opportunity to expand on their application:. Even if you don't fall into one of these groups, it's wise to take advantage of this additional space. Everyone has a goal that's important to them, after all, which is explicitly included in the second bullet point. However, you only have words, so you'll need to make them count, university of washington sat essay. Again, UW mentions earlier in their guidelines for the writing section that they value brevity.

Don't try to hit that word mark just because it's there—use only the space that you need. Be succinct and clear about any obstacles you've overcome, what draws you to your major, and what makes you want to attend UW specifically.

For example, say you, like many prospective UW students, are interested in becoming a doctor. The University of Washington is highly ranked among medical schoolsso saying you want to go there because university of washington sat essay a good medical program isn't doing any legwork in setting you apart from other students.

Instead, use this space to talk about why your major is important to you, and why placement at UW is going to help you achieve more. Following the medical school example, maybe your primary care doctor was a UW grad, and the depth of care they gave you convinced you it wasn't university of washington sat essay what you know as a doctor that matters, but also how you deploy that knowledge.

Because you want to make the same difference in somebody's life, you're applying to UW to have access to the same information and instruction that your doctor did.

In essence, use this space to explain something you didn't have space to explain elsewhere, but make it count. Be careful not to retread the same ground! This is an opportunity to flesh out your application, not to hammer something home. If you haven't had a chance to discuss that your grades slipped sophomore year because of a family illness or that your local library has a special box for you because of all the engineering books you keep checking out, now's the time to mention it. Keep it short, direct, and original—the admissions office is reading this supplemental section in the context of your application, so you don't need to revisit anything.

Careful not to fall into the trap of using more space than you need. It can be tempting to use UW's provided additional space to squeeze a few more words into your application, but resist it. Those word counts are there for a reason, university of washington sat essay, and you should aim to get under, not exceed them. That said, there are legitimate reasons to use this additional space.

The University of Washington mentions clarifying answers from elsewhere on the application or providing extra information to the admissions office. If you have special considerations as a student that you want to be sure the office is aware of, but that you didn't discuss in the previous additional information section, you could include university of washington sat essay here.

You could also include relevant awards or distinguishing recognition you've received. If your high school had an unusual grading system, it might be useful to explain how to interpret your grades. But don't take the lack of a word requirement to mean that you can talk about whatever you want, or that you should use this space to expand on one of your earlier essays. Use only what you need, no more.

Try to keep it under words.

How To Get Into The University of Washington - My Application Experience

, time: 10:53

How to Write the University of Washington Essays

university of washington sat essay

8/12/ · The University of Washington is the state of Washington’s flagship university and its premier public university. U.S. News ranked it as 62nd on the National Universities List. UW has a 49% acceptance rate, and of the admitted students, the middle 50% achieved GPAs, on the ACT, and on the SAT Title: UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SAT ESSAY REQUIREMENTS, Author: claudiaodltb, Name: UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SAT ESSAY REQUIREMENTS, Length: 5 pages, Page: 1, Published: Issuu company Historically, the SAT/ACT were a small consideration in the holistic review compared to curriculum quality and performance in courses. Moving forward, curriculum quality and performance in courses will remain the focus of our review of students’ academic preparation. The UW’s holistic review considers far more than academic performance

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